Toddler Bedtime Battles (18 months to 4 years) - Virtual


Toddlers and children are natural born boundary pushers. They know how to get what they want when they want it. This can be very frustrating and exhausting to deal with on top of lacking sleep. Our Bedtime Battles program offers families the support and guidance they need to feel confident to tackle their toddlers' sleep troubles. Our program empowers children to be engaged in the process of learning about healthy sleep, and rewards them for their achievements along the way. Your child will gain the confidence they need to stay in their own sleep space all while sleeping 10-12 hours each night!

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This package includes:

  • Sleep Questionnaire + Assessment

  • Room Assessment

  • 90-minute Virtual Consultation 

  • Customized Sleep Plan

  • Personalized Reward and Routines Chart

  • Two (2) 15-minute follow up calls during the 14-day program

  • Daily sleep log review and feedback


    Virtual 1.5-hour Consultation $625

    In-Home 2-hour Consultation $795

    Add-on a child $295


    *In-home consultations with toddlers and children allow real-time interaction to take place. We encourage the child to be present for the consultation as we interact and build a relationship with them as their Sleep Teacher.

    *In-home consultations include up to 1-hour travel time. Additional charges apply beyond the 1-hour.

“ I was really hesitant on sleep training, but after our baby struggled to stay sleeping for naps and waking up in the night when she hadn't, we decided to reach out to Alana after hearing great reviews on her method and support. I'm not a fan of the "cry it out" method, so I was happy that we were still able to be there for our baby. If you're looking to get your baby the sleep they need we highly recommend Alana! “

- Jennifer

30-Minute Support Call - Previous Client/Independent Sleeper
Fall Back Time Change Toolkit
Toddler Bedtime Battles (18 months to 4 years) - In-Home
Baby Save Our Sleep (4 months to 18 months) - Virtual
Baby Save Our Sleep (4 months to 18 months) - In-Home